Ryan and I have shared our past with each other and really got to know each other over the past year. He has also been a good sport and answered any other random questions about life I have had for him. You all know we women want to know ALL the details about any and every event. Men not so much. They just want to give the minimum answer possible. Well this weekend Ryan asked me a few questions about some guys from the past? Ryan is not much of a talker about the past so this really stood out to me.
When we finished talking about the questions he asked, he looked at me and said.... " I thank God everyday that they did not think of you the way I do because that means you might have been off the market when I came into the picture. Their stupidity has made me the luckiest man alive." I'm sorry where did he come from and can I make a lot more that are like him for the other women in this world that need to be loved??? I do not know why the big man upstairs thought I deserved to have someone as wonderful as Ryan but I am so glad that he created him just for me. I don't tell him enough how much he means to me. If I can make him feel half as special as he makes me feel then I will have him floating on cloud 9.
Weekend in Atlanta before I moved here.
He also said something that touched me more than anything this weekend. Out of no where he said "Lara Ellen I want you to know you complete me." Once again Thank you Lord for this blessing. It hit me in May I will be saying I do...it keeps getting closer. I have been repeating that line in my head over and over again "you complete me." At the time all I said was awwww. This is exactly why God made marriage so important. He wanted us to find the person that completes us. He wants us to honor, love, cherish, serve, and commit our lives to the ONE that completes us. Ryan, I have never felt as special as I do when I am with you. I have never been shown the love that you chose to give to me. I have never been served and pursued (as the Bible says we should be) by anyone like you in my life. Without any hesitation or doubt I know you are the one that completes me as well. I'm not the cheesy type and I don't think there is anything cheesy about it when it is Biblical and of the Lord.
As stressful as it has been to plan a wedding, I can't wait for it to happen. May 25th I will say I Do to the man that the Lord made just for me. Thank you Lord for holding true to your promises and in your timing bringing me the biggest blessing I could have ever been given.
The night we got engaged!
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