Mar 18, 2010

Perfect Podcast

So It's Spring Break and I'm in Butler sick as a dog. However, as miserable as I am I would not have it any other way. I've been dealing with a lot of relationship issues as you can tell from the past couple of blogs. Nothing bad just dealing with what God would want for me and trying to make wise decisions for my life. Well my dear friend Abby.... who had no clue about this situation....not because I did not want her to know but because a long time ago Matt Pitt was preaching about relationships and he said sometimes we just need to keep things locked up in our heart and not tell everyone well that sermon spoke volumes to that is what I was doing by not telling her. Trust me my four girls are the ones that know everything about me and I depend on them for all forms of advice. Anyway Abby read my blog and if any of you read my profile on her you will remember that I said she will tell you straight up no matter what ...well she sent me a text and all it said was " I read your blog and I think you should go listen to a series called "Bringing Sexy Back" by Steven has really helped me and how I view relationships and I think it would be great for you."

Well leave it to Abby to say the PERFECT thing at the PERFECT time. Sometimes I liten to Abby with all this information she can spout out and Im thinking when does she have time to find this sports article or this sermon...But I am so glad she does!! If you can't tell I have AMAZING friends.....Amy tells me to PRAY, Abby text and does not question me first she just tells me a website to go to. Paige of course just says I Hate Men with you hahahah! LOVE IT!

So back to this series called "Bringing Sexy Back" you need to listen to it! I'm only on part 2 but I'm addicted to it. Let me just give you one little snip it from the notes I took and it will ROCK
He is using Eph 5: 22-33 which talks about how husbands and wives should be to each other. I've read these verses a million times and have never viewed it like this.

"Ladies find a man you can submit too like this verse is talking about and settle for nothing less, Men be a man who is so like Jesus that you are worth being submitted too, Ladies be a woman who is worth loving as Christ loved the Church, Men accept nothing less than a woman who you would be willing to die for because of her character not just how she looks in a bathing suit"

How AMAZING are those words. If you took only that part of the sermon alone and really studied it, it will make you long for something so much more than just an ordinary relationship. It will make you LONG for a man/woman of God and it will challenge you to be a better Christian man/woman of God.

I hope and Pray that I am a woman so in LOVE with Jesus that my future husband always sees Christ through me, and then I hope that he is so in Love with Jesus that he is worthy of being submitted to and loves me like Christ loved the Church. A relationship that solid could never be torn apart by the world that we live in. I want nothing more than to the woman that Christ created me to be. If I strive for that each and every day there is no where to go but up and the things that He will have in store for my life are beyond my imagination!!!!

I encourage you to go to go to the series tab and search "Bringing Sexy Back" it will challenge you in so many ways. It is also a podcast on Itunes if you would like to check it out there. I can't wait to continue watching more of the series that are offered.

Spring Break may be a time of sickness but it has defiantly been a time of healing as well! Can't wait for what God has in store!

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